
31 october 2017

I am Queer. Queer as fuck.

What do I mean by Queer?

Queer meaning I'm sexually fluid and attracted to people of varied and diverse genders.

Queer meaning my own gender is in flux. Masculine is right out - no matter how much I've tried to fit in that box, it never ever ever has worked correctly. I've tried identifying fully feminine, and that doesn't quite work right either.

Queer meaning fuck gender norms anyway. I'll wear and behave and think and use the pronouns (she/her, btw) that I fucking want.

Queer meaning fuck the patriarchy.

Queer meaning I believe in my body's amazing capacity for love and pleasure.

I'm sure there's more to add to this definition, but this is what I've got so far.

I think writing this out is more for myself, but hopefully also for others to see that you aren't alone out there. We all have different struggles but seeing that others are struggling too helps sometimes.