
09 october 2018

Monday night: apocalypse dreams. Trump blew up the moon. Gravity was suspended. Then I woke up and my brain processed things for about two hours. Then I never got back to sleep.

The conclusions:

  1. Elon Musk's SpaceX is not about research or exploration. It is about the rich being able to evacuate the planet after it is so fucked as to be uninhabitable.

  2. If he thought it was the right thing to do, for whatever reason, Donald Trump would not hesitate to lay waste the entire surface of the planet, whether by the current means of extracting every last bit of value from it, or the execution of mankind through the use of nuclear weapons. His administration has pretty much stated outright that the planet is lost and there is no point in trying to change our behaviors in order to fix it.

  3. Our only hope is in each other. The only thing that will save the planet is a stark change in our behaviors. It may come down to a desparate need to remove power from the rich in order to survive.

I was watching an episode of Grand Designs where a woman was building a brand new house in a protected forest. The building standards were something that were referred to as "code 6." It was a very stringent set of requirements that basically ensured that the new home was completely carbon neutral.

I thought about it, and that just doesn't fly here in the US. If we ever tried to legislate the construction of new homes in such a stringent way, people would howl. We are so so so concerned with preserving the rights of the individual (and the wealthy individual in particular) that we're willing to set fire to the planet in order to preserve it.

I'm sorry, rest of the world. I'm sorry you have to put up with this shit. I'm sorry that we've doomed us all.

I'm trying to be a bit more upbeat here this morning, but it's hard.