
20 september 2020

It's been a week. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we've been having terrible, terrible air quality. Most days the air quality index (AQI) has been in the "Hazardous" range, and we've been feeling lucky to be in the "Very Healthy" category on Thursday. Yesterday and today, we finally got into the "Normal" category for air quality. It means that there's been a lot of stuff that we've been putting off that we now have been able to do.

I spent part of this morning baking gluten-free bread, and also making dairy free cheese. My partner has celiac, and I'm lactose intolerant. We're a fun pair at restaurants, not that we've gone out anywhere that we can sit down and eat since March. We also did a bunch of sitting around the house, but also took a walk and had several lovely chats. We went on a walk through the condo complex today, and it was nice to feel the air and see the sky.

My birthday was last week, and several of the things that I ordered for myself finally arrived today. I got myself a new mechanical keyboard that I'm absolutely loving (it is giving me a lot of joy while I'm writing down my feels), and a bunch of odd art supplies intented both for making my weekly planner more enjoyable, and some for doing sketches. I had never considered sketching before a friend started doing a sketching "spa" every Sunday morning on Twitch full of exercises. Since then I've been avidly following the exercises and see some improvement in my art. Actually, I'm seeing myself make art, and I like it. I think I put off making art for so long, that I convinced myself that making art was not something that I cam actually capable of. Turns out, it's yet another of those things where the process is often more rewarding than the end result.

In terms of feels, now that the air has cleared, I'm actually feeling pretty good, all things considering. I have a long and stressful work week ahead, with three major projects that I need to wrap up by Thursday.

(FYI: The sketch spa is 10am PST on Sundays at twitch.tv/rebeccahicksprime)