
11 october 2020

We had lunch with friends today.

Okay, maybe "had lunch" is strong. We sat under our bulding's carport in our parking spot, about eight feet away from our friends that we haven't seen in person since well before the pandemic started.

It was nice, but it was also very strange. Not having had a lot of in-person interaction except for going out grocery shopping has really taken a bit of a toll.

I'm glad to be in one of the states that's continuing to take the pandemic seriously. I have friends teaching in states where kids are still going to school physically, and they continue to be terrified.

There's that meme going around about how it seems like we're hallucinating a pandemic. I totally feel like that lately. We have been so careful, we don't leave the house except for groceries, the pharmacy, and the occasional vet visit.

Everything continues to be so relentlessly strange.