
18 november 2021

I took a big chunk of vacation time from work, it started this morning, and I'm becoming more and more aware how desperately I needed it and how many of my needs I've been shoving aside in order to just get through work lately. Not even be successful, just get through the day to day.

The need for a legal name change is becoming more and more relevant. I've got a prescription in $LEGAL_NAME, and my other prescriptions in $OLD_PREFERRED_NAME, and that is causing hassles when trying to deal with insurance claims and just getting the damn medications I need from the pharmacy. I'm hopeful that if I can get a legal name change to $NEW_NAME and then change it everywhere, I can get it all sorted out. Names are a pain in the ass.

I had strange dreams last night, some of them about people at work withholding critical information from me. I'm not sure what exactly that's about, and if anything else it's underlining that I need to take a large break from work. I've been thinking that I need to figure out my reason for being at my job - why am I doing the things that I'm doing beyond "it pays the bills". There's some kernel of truth about myself that I need to uncover in order to figure out how I'm going to keep going at it. Work needs to be about more than making money for "the man" and other things capitalism related.