

12 july 2020

Hello, World

Hello, world! Just joined tilde.town and i am loving it. I am a 25yo full stack dev and I don't remember how I found this site. Someone probably shared a link on Mastodon. Anyway I'm feeling pretty good today, after a very difficult shelter-in-place period, a long job hunt with an early offer that was later rescinded due to said SIP order, and a breakup. Things are moving in the right direction, and I'm excited to make some unix-y friends here on the town.

I did get a job for real, after the first tease, and it's much better than my previous career. No more defense work for me, I'm trying to reduce the country's carbon footprint! So cool to say! Now I can feel better about the work I do and the effect I have on the world around me. I can focus on learning and not be constantly paralyzed by the guilt of setting up systems whose capacity to hurt people is purposefully kept out of my purview, chunked up into a million pieces so that no single participant can truly grasp the negative impact of their contribution to the action as a whole. I was in a pretty bad place before this career shift. I have to thank my best friend who saw my dread/panic and encouraged me to take a leap of faith. Thanks B. If you are reading this from a similar situation, don't give up on your dreams - that's what the bad guys want!


Today I went for a ~20mi solo bike ride by the ocean. I needed it. Lately I'm looking at alternative ways to make friends. COVID-19 stopped a lot of my social interaction, and I don't want to spread it to people with weak immune systems who couldn't fight it off. I don't have regular social media because I used to and it made me upset. Turns out having billion-dollar tech companies cyberstalking you and goading you into excessive shopping based on your personal fears is super bad for your mental health! I'm interested in the libre socials but none of my IRL friends will convert.