~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

06 june 2024

Well, this was a pretty terrible day, but it went somewhat better as my tilde.town application was accepted :)

Anyway. I spent a significant amount of my day fighting with bluetooth and pulseaudio, and THIS IS NOT FIXED YET, which is very (very) annoying. I even did manage to make it work for, like, a few minutes a couple of times, but a/ I don't know how b/ it didn't survive a reboot. And all of that also involved a spiral, a lot of grumpiness, and generally me not being a great human to be around.

Rest of the day wasn't much better, fought with MySQL (I did win that fight, though), and didn't feel much productive in general. Plus, sore muscles all around after the training yesterday.

But hey, I'm here, and now I can even rant on feels ;) Still need to poke the vim config, and make this shell my home for real, but it's super promising and I'm happy to be here (hi town!)