~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

18 june 2024

Travel log

Sunset yesterday was cloudy, so we technically didn't see the sun set. But the light was nice and it was still good times.

Today we both needed a somewhat chiller day, as we're starting to get tired!

We started the day with a late-ish breakfast at the hotel, and then we went to the next town to visit their sculpture garden. We had seen when driving past it that they had sand sculptures, and they didn't disappoint; a lot of impressive works on the general theme of scientific progress. The rest of the sculpture garden was also delightful; a lot of themes, a majority of wooden sculptures, and overall a nice place to spend some time. We may or may not have dozed off on a bench :)

There was also a small wax museum - the "fictional" characters (a bunch of superheroes, mostly) worked better than "real" people, even if they were represented by their usual actors.

Finally, there was a large art installation over several small rooms and corridors, with material from the forest and the sea. I was particularly moved by a room representing the sea - the waves were structure with shellfish glued on them, particularly mussels, and the overall effect was absolutely striking.

After that, we moved a grand total of 600m to go visit the museum of paper arts, a small museum with some origami and more impressively cut paper silhouettes - those were really impressive in their scale and level of detail. There was also a table with some origami paper and some instructions - I left a very badly folded crane there.

We were quite tired still so we decided to have a break back at the hotel.

After the break, we followed the suggestion of the sheet that was on the breakfast table and drove to the Børglum monastery. A very interesting place, with a lot of different things to see, both historical and cultural. The highlight of the visit was probably the full reconstruction of the Tapisserie de Bayeux - a fantastic work that is exhibited in a nice, long room. It took these 9 women 15 years to achieve that, and what an achievement indeed (more info here: https://www.bayeuxtapetet.dk/welcome/). There was also a nice garden, and a windmill nearby. Really a nice place to visit.

Came back to the hotel, went for pizza and tiramisu at one of the local Italian restaurant (was good, but not extraordinary), popped by at the beach where the wind made us come back to the hotel pretty quickly.

Tomorrow we're back on the road to reach the last hotel of the trip.