~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

18 july 2024

Pretty anxious day today, BECAUSE I was meeting with colleagues of $previouscompany this evening - people I hadn't seen, for most, for 3-4 years, in a place I didn't know... there was potential for things to go wrong. And I had a lovely evening. It's strange how this group still kind of gels, even though we've gone to various other paths in the meantime, and we didn't have much more in common than to have worked for the same company for some years. It was quite emotional, in a good way.

I ate too much, but that's a me-issue, not a other-people-issue ^^;

Continued the "meta-learning" course on Coursera, and really enjoying it. It basically dumbs down (... in a good way) the neuroscience of learning, and I find this very valuable (and high-school me is a bit annoyed to not have heard these things at that time, it would have been helpful.)