~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

23 july 2024

Long day today, because I started early because I was going to my gym training for lunch, and I might have over-compensated a bit, because I also finished late. All in all my day spanned 11 hours, and I was not away for 3 hours. Meh.

Sport / strength / weights

I went to Paula for training today - we had dealifts, rows, carry, squats and two-hand landmine press. It was good. AND the major milestone: I deadlifted 50kg! Six times in a row! And then 5 times! (I think I couldn't get the 6th on the second set. But brain was not able to count anymore then).

It feels like a huge achievement - partly because it was a "scary" weight. And, it was fine. Not EASY, but absolutely fine. I also noticed a "yeaaah that one had more back involved than I would have liked", and I fixed it on the following rep, and it also felt pretty good to feel what's suboptimal and to know to fix it.

Anyway: TODAY I REPEATEDLY LIFTED FIFTY KILOGRAMS. And that's fucking awesome.