22 july 2024
Spent a significant amount of time today doing administrative stuff and trying
to get numbers that reflect reality in a table. I now have the numbers
reflecting reality in the table. I now have a screenshot of the numbers
reflecting reality, even if I know that somewhere under the hood there is
another lie hiding. I am tired and annoyed and THIS SHOULDN'T BE SO HARD. (yeah,
I'm vaguebooking. deal with it.)
I almost skipped choir today because I didn't want to deal with entering the
restricted building. So instead I message my choirmates to get support with that
(and they were very supportive), and I still managed to go to choir. Identifying
what is an issue and getting support for the specific thing that is an issue,
instead of letting the issue being a blocker for the whole thing: a winning
strategy, it seems. (Also :gasp: asking for help. Who would have thunk.)
21 july 2024
Went to see Inside Out 2 today. I enjoyed it, although I found it messier than
the first one. Also, hai, I'm Anxiety.
Caught up on Writever, despite the huge distraction that was US politics in the
last couple of hours.
Writever July 18th
The word for July 18th was "Relieve".
"So this is Heaven?
− Yes, welcome.
− As in... eternal bliss?
− Not exactly. The only thing we do when you pass the Gates is relieving your
from all your earthen emotional baggage. What you do next is up to you.
− Sounds close enough, to be honest."
Writever July 19th
The word for July 19th was "Sibling".
One of the earliest techs developed by our civilization was DNA testing. When
you have 1/ strong genetic diversity rules 2/ 4000 siblings coming from the
same clutch on average, that specific problem gets solved VERY FAST.
Writever July 20th
The word for yesterday was
Vampires lost a lot of their mystique when a particularly meddlesome young
girl discovered they had switched from blood to bissap centuries ago with no
other side effect than much better cholesterol levels.
Writever July 21st
The word for today was "Support".
QuanticStorage is not liable for data or information loss resulting from the
use of the products in a manner that is not in accordance with the use cases
specified in the documentation. In particular, due to the high risk of data
transmission error, QuanticStorage does not support the usage of the products
in teleportation appliances or any other present or future apparatus using
physical matrix transmission.
20 july 2024
Sports / weights / strength
Went to the gym this morning for a session of deadlifts / overhead press / lat
pulls. Went mostly well, except the crowd at the gym felt more annoying than
usual. Folks, how hard is it to not leave 60kg of plates on a bar when you're
done with it, and how hard is it to understand that if you don't put your weight
back reasonably cleanly then MAYBE you're lifting more than you should?
(Accidents happen. When it happens 5 times in a row, it's not accidents
anymore.) Yes, I'm judgemental. And I did not appreciate the impression that I
was in the way/not in my place because folks were just taking ALL THE SPACE
around me and moving close to me during my lifts in a way that felt unsafe. And
I'm pretty sure the fault was not mine on that one.
Grmbl, people.
Went to Baden for late lunch - Pierre went there by bike and I joined him by
train. We walked a bit around the city, enjoyed the Limmat and the bridges above
it, and went home (by train). It was very nice (also the tapas lunch was nice!)
but it was also quite hot, and I felt more tired/grumpy than usual when coming
home. Water helped, though (:surprised_pikachu:)
Finished my "Hangeul refresher" class on Coursera (namely "The Korean Alphabet:
An Introduction to
and it was overall a very enjoyable experience. I liked the format with both the
videos and the small texts; the quizzes were maybe too much on the "easy" side
to be really useful, but oh well. It was maybe also a bit fast on combination
vowels. But overall, this is what I needed as a refresher before restarting my
learning proper.
19 july 2024
Sports / running
Went for my (planned) 28-minute run today, and it was... actually pleasant. I
started listening to the Slow AF Run Club by Martinus Evans, and it's super good
so far (well, for the first half hour-ish anyway). My run got interrupted
towards the end because I saw a stroller with a baby in it and no responsible
adult seemingly around, so I panicked a bit - but said responsible adult
reappeared quickly enough, and the only victim were the last 2 minutes of my
run. I was still happy - and I think I may well have hit my personal fastest
kilometer (at 9:30 for the second km today). And I would probably have hit the
3-km mark today if not for said stroller incident. So all in all, a good day.
18 july 2024
Pretty anxious day today, BECAUSE I was meeting with colleagues of
$previouscompany this evening - people I hadn't seen, for most, for 3-4 years,
in a place I didn't know... there was potential for things to go wrong. And I
had a lovely evening. It's strange how this group still kind of gels, even
though we've gone to various other paths in the meantime, and we didn't have
much more in common than to have worked for the same company for some years. It
was quite emotional, in a good way.
I ate too much, but that's a me-issue, not a other-people-issue ^^;
Continued the "meta-learning" course on Coursera, and really enjoying it. It
basically dumbs down (... in a good way) the neuroscience of learning, and I
find this very valuable (and high-school me is a bit annoyed to not have heard
these things at that time, it would have been helpful.)