About Us
Heya! I promise this isn't a mission statement or something weird. We're the Harmony system! We're plural, meaning there's three of us in this one body. This also means we share a lot of things, like the laptop I'm writing this on, so for convenience, I made this blog for all three of us to use to post things that are too long for microblogs like Mastodon.
Without further ado, we are:
- she/her or they/them
- favorite colors: black, electric blue
- hobbyist embedded programmer, sysadmin, nerd
- useless stoner, lesbian, skater, catgirl
- plays cello
- failed to learn guitar
- can pick locks
- it/its
- favorite color: #B464B4
- :3
- :3333
- 90s era robotgirl raised by cats
- skateboards are literally her primary mode of transportation
- plays bass guitar and cello
- is kinda okay at archery
- misses riding quads and dirtbikes :'<
- he/they
- favorite color: red
- also plays bass
- hardware hacker
- is designing a eurorack format modular synth from scratch
- maintains our heavily modded 3D printer - it only has 7 of its original components
- some kind of wolfthing
There are some other traits and values we share:
- polyam, varying degrees of asexuality
- nazi punks fuck off
- gender's just a box people put themselves and others in. once you break out of the box, you can be so much cooler!
- don't be afraid to take the label off the box and take it with you though
- all cats are beautiful
- those with authority cannot be trusted to protect us. we must protect and uplift one another whenever and wherever possible!
- what I mean is take care of each other, don't wait for a government or charity to help someone in need, and NEVER punch down.
Did you know that while you were reading this, I was in your house, eating your drywall?
-- Cerena