08 july 2023
Growing up poor, living a few nice years in the sun, then going back to being poor when the chronic illness genetic time bomb went off has given me a perspective the world needs. Unfortunately it's also isolated and drained the joy out of, so I understand why nobody wants to Look Up.
The biggest lie I was sold was that I'd be taken care of if I became sick and faced problems that weren't self-inflicted. That's only true for a very small amount of people. There are no points awarded for being "one of the good ones". It doesn't matter that I don't have an iPhone and live a beans and rice hyper frugal lifestyle. It doesn't matter than I don't drink or use recreational drugs. It doesn't matter that I don't waste my money on whatever it is people scape goat poor people for washing their money on. There is still no help and they still sneer at me when I look visibly poor.
To most of my family and former friends, not being able to work is a Sin and poverty is God's punishment.
Ok cool, I got that out. Going to spend the rest of the day being SUPER POSITIVE and manifesting my way out of my problems.