
05 august 2023

i want to work on environmental restoration. Give me access to some land and I'll grow native plants, fruit and nut trees. I'll create swales that feed into ponds for growing azolla. That will create organic material for carbon sequestration via rapid compost creation. I'll create berms for directing and retaining runoff to create a drought resistant landscape.

All I want from it is basic 1 bedroom housing, access to the medication that keeps me from sliding into full body disabling eczema, food, and little bit extra to replace my threadbare clothing and shoes with holes in them. Also an SSD for my 11yr old laptop would be nice too. Point is, I want to survive - I'm not asking for holidays abroad, luxury, or electronics. I just want to live and be free to apply everything I've learned over the past 20 years toward mitigating climate change, soil loss, and mass extinctions.

Instead filled will anxiety as I'm applying toward Yet Another Carbon Spewing Tech Product jobs. I envy those well-off enough to not worry about mere survival so they can put their efforts toward doing some of the necessary work. In the end, no matter what happens, those putting out fires will sleep better than those actively setting more.