
04 september 2023


Regrets: I lived the entire healthy/able-bodied portion of my life trying to fit in by being useful. It took getting sick to realize that that means nothing. People tolerated me because I was useful, but I wasn't truly their friend. I realized far too late that it's impossible to have security by not being "one of the bad ones". Just because I wasn't one of those "bad ones", I still found myself in a situation where my suffering meant that those I thought cared about me would be unwilling or unable to help so they did what most people tend to do: ignore me and pretend I don't exist. This is a reality that most people are protected from until it's too late. They wonder how those people outside ended up homeless and they invent a one-size-fits-all narrative that paints them as bad people who probably deserve it. It's like the denial of death. I guess that's the only way to be a person in a world where people desperate for love buy designer breed dogs and walk them around a cities where more and more people are joining the ranks of homeless.

Ok. I need to get some shit done before I join the ranks of completely untouchables. There is still a narrow window of hope I can squeeze through if my efforts can be met with a little luck. Anyone have a gig for someone with 15+ years of programming and linux experience? My moniker elsewhere is "Will Code for Food" and right now that's pretty literal.