
03 november 2023

It was unseasonably warm today. I know that's not a good sign, but I also have to enjoy it for was it is. I saw a crow with blueish feathers in the mid day sun. The trees were dressed in their autumn colors performed their bright yet too brief display for the depressable apes that live beneath them. It's a small gift to get us through the long winter that will inevitably come. I am certain the snow will leave this place forever sooner rather than later. It's also a gift I will miss when it's gone. Until then, I will enjoy each day for what is it not what I wish it were instead. I'll stop bad mouthing the cold, the rain, the snow.

This week I will eat well thanks to the kindness of a fellow tonwnie. I'm going to make a meal for friends. I checked through some old emails to confirm this: it's been over a decade since the last time. It doesn't feel like it's been that long but I guess that just speaks to the fact times moves differently when you spend a lot of time focused on surviving until the next week. Eventually life feels like the chase scene in an old cartoon with the looping background.