11 december 2023
I really wish I didn't check my phone when I woke up in the middle of the night, I could have used the few extra hours of rest before knowing. Found out I need to move in 30 days. I realize I'm not freaking out yet. Shock? No I think this is a scenario I've expected and I already know what's impossible so I don't even have to ask. Outlook is pretty grim. Shouldn't have been born with chronic eczema or severe pet allergies. I knew this day was coming but I hoped I could hold out until spring when the prospects of sleeping rough are at least possible where I am. I'm glad I get to spend the rest of 2033 here though.
I was nice while it lasted. I'm going to give myself a few more days before I allow myself to switch fully into survival mode. I want finish my secret santa gift and some writing. I'd like to walk somewhere beautiful on the next dry day to remind myself that life is more than the bleakness before me.