
24 january 2024

When the itch got really bad and started eroding at my ability to think, sleep, and have normal executive function I started journaling in a little notebook. I filled it up and I couldn't afford a new one, so I started saving all the scrap paper I could find and started writing on those with minimal ability to recall things due to the hassle of rummaging through a box full of semi-organized papers.

Even though this system wasn't very good it helped alleviate the anxiety that I have when I can't put an idea down to focus on something else because I'm afraid I'll forget it. Still, I knew it could be better if I just gave in and used my computer for this task. Looking back, I didn't because I haven't had a properly ergonomic setup in a long time and actually sitting and writing on a crappy mattress in a cold basement with poor lighting hurts just to think about. I forgive myself for not being productive enough back them to prevent my current situation. Now that I have a table and a small monitor on a box I can at least work for more than 10 minutes without my back and wrists hurting.

Now that the urgency is becoming uncomfortably distracting instead of motivating I want to list a few things I'm grateful for, lest they find me in a heap, tut-tut about my wasted potential, and find no evidence I was at least trying.

Next up; gotta prove I'm not useful to some people. It's going to be a very hard week even if I do my absolute best.