
19 may 2024



With getting well comes the sharp re-introduction of expectations. Chronic illness is not a fun vacation from responsibility. There is a deep worry that the pattern of a medical problem that zeros me out financially will hold and I have 10 years or less before I catch another stray anaphylactic reaction that takes everything again. I give myself permission to just die next time. re-restarting my life at nearly 40yrs old is endurable because of a deeply held uncertainty over weather or not this is our only shot at existence. My life may not be very enjoyable (indeed, if ghouls in the American government were suddenly made to live like I have for the past 10 years we'd have a much different world), but I'm very curious about how this all turns out. I won't see the end of every loose thread, but I will see some. Will Moass happen? Will those strange fast moving objects be revealed as an alien presence? Will either of the two dumbasses who will likely be our next president not outlive me? Will we ever accept that capitalism and confronting climate change are incompatible? I think at least some of those things will be revealed if I can make it at least 5 more years.

The DMT elves didn't say anything about getting to live like them. Even if we get to live on forever, it won't be interesting to spectate this world anyway. What I'm saying is, if I've gone mad, it happened years ago but my ability to hide it has left me. A tenacious will to live is equal parts curse and blessing.

I've had the same damn song hook stuck in my head for more than a month now. It's a song I've never been a fan of nor have I ever sought out. Yet it haunts me. This is boderline intrusive thought territory.

I'm WALKING ON SUNSHINE. OH OH, AND DON'T IT FEEL GOOD? (it does not) there are also the endless 'parody' version I keep coming up with that I mentally sing to myself. Most of these don't even rise to the standard of fitting the tune properly yet in lieu of the things I need to think about comes this garbage.

all the above is the result of sleeping enough to have some energy but not enough for cleanly defined lines between dream and my regularly scheduled hellish existence.

gratitude bonus: