Here's some stuff I made. I hope you like it. ^-^
An IRC bot that sits in the local server. The following commands are available:
- ,give <item> - Give derpy an item to put in her bag
- ,get - Get a random item from derpy's bag
- ,jargon [topic] - Spews some jargon at you
- ,jargonlist - Gets a list of topics for the jargon command
- ,np [lastfm username] - Gets the currently playing song from a user's profile
- ,lastfmnick [lastfm username] - Sets/gets your username, so you don't have to provide it to the nowplaying command
- ,lastfmcompare <lastfm username 1> [lastfm username 2] - Compares two users' music tastes
- ,money <value> <currency> [target currency...] - Currency conversion
- ,ud <term> - Fetch the UrbanDictionary definition of a term
- ,seen <nickname> - Check when a user was last online
- ,wolfram <query> - Get the result of a query on Wolfram Alpha
- ,drink <drink type> - Give derpy a drink
- ,drunkenness [level] - Gets/sets derpy's drunkenness level
- ,roll <dice> - Roll some dice
- ,8ball <question> - Ask the 8 ball a yes/no question
- ,register/login/logout/passwd - Account related commands - you probably don't need them
- ?? <topic> - Get a factoid
- ??~ <topic> <content> - Set a factoid
- ??+ <topic> <content> - Append to a factoid
- ??- <topic> - Delete a factoid
- !?... - As above, but globally instead of per channel
A one-line IRC bot that sends its own sourcecode. Not the most useful thing ever, but it exists.
A command-line-only version is also available in
, along with some notes and less-unreadable source code of both versions.
An IRC bot written in AWK. An external program is needed to open a TCP connection and feed the socket with stdin/out. In the case of, that program is socat.