28 november 2022
Cooked today. Pork ribs in soy sauce + ginger + pepper + yellow onions
- pomegranate molasses + vegetable oil. Also watched The Bear tv show, that was pretty interesting. Marinade + bake for a while, started off at an hour but it's been longer now and my mother says it can bake more.
Lab tomorrow, doing Fourier analysis again. Should be pretty easy, I've got a decent function set up from the last lab I had to do. Next term I have a course on more advanced computational physics concepts, and I see Fourier transforms are on the description, so I'm basically gonna be set for that part. I think labs should be done before lecture courses, rather than during them. Doing a lab on cables really helped me with mutual induction, before we actually did it in class. When I was doing electrostatics I had to take the lecture concurrently with the lab, and that was not as good.