
11 december 2022

Lab report progress

Ran into issues in my analysis. Exported the wrong graphs. Luckily, with a brain cursed by the foulest spells of confusion, I did the whole experiment at least twice and on one of my attempts I did get the right graph. Unfortunately this means I have to do pixel analysis. Which means booting into Windows because to this day the only paint program I've learned how to use is paint.NET, and the WINE performance rating thing is not good.

On the bright side, I do have part of the analysis done now, and I finished the entire procedure section! Theory still needs work but I've already sunk more effort into this report than healthy. I have got to get back to reviewing stuff that will be on my exam. Exam starts late evening (7PM) so I'll have time to finish my review tomorrow. Did a decent amount of it on Thursday and just kinda crept sluggishly these past few days.