
13 may 2024

Talked to academic advisor. To summarize, my grade is just about perfectly average, and it's normal to feel this way. Did also talk with some friends from a uni club I was very involved with. Weird experience to not be a room volunteer, but still be in the space.

Anyway, jobs-wise, my best bet right now is to shoot for temporary positions within my uni. They've got a hiring freeze, but people are still taking e.g. parental leave or vacation time, so it's a good time to try and apply. That's actually the same thing my academic advisor did a long time ago, and it clearly worked for them well enough.

My uncle says to get contacts from alumni in my program and ask them about job opportunities and what they do, and so on. I'm hesitant to do that because of closet reasons and also the shame at dropping co-op. Also I know a couple alumni and they're currently either in grad school or unemployed. I can't do grad school, my parents' finances are kinda fucked and I need to work to help them.

Currently working on fixing the Jake's Resume template on Overleaf. Basically instead of working with a ton of custom commands, I used packages to globally change how headings look. Odd thing is that JR already did that, but only for top-level \sections, not for \subsections. Weird. Anyway, it's still a WIP but the body looks great.

Instead of a custom command for \resumeItem, I changed how bulleted lists work with the \setlist command from the {enumitem} package. I also got rid of the \resumeItemListStart and ...End tags, because the first one was just \begin{itemize} and nothing else, while all the second one did was adjust spacing around the list. I took care of that with \setlist.

Resume subheadings are no longer just bolded list items with no bullets, but are now redefined subheadings. Also no need for tabular effects because I found out about the \hfill command. Admittedly not too happy with the semantics of this one, because I have something like

\subsection{LaTeX University \hfill \normalfont{201X-202X \\
Bachelors in Whatever \hfill \textit{Computertown, USA}}}

When I'd instead prefer to get the same effect with

\subsection{LaTeX University}
\notASubsection{201X-202X}{Bachelors in Whatever}{Computertown, USA}

I would need to figure out some evil arcane stuff with line overlaps for this kind of thing. Okay! Not quite as evil as I thought. Ended up defining a custom command named \subsectionDetails that has \vspace{-1em} at the start. Yay! Now I need to figure out the left spacing on the second line. I might as well set spacing on all paragraphs, that way I can also write cover letters in the same template.