
21 may 2016

my most recent commit message, mostly to myself:

more documentation updates

holy crap! here i am, about a decade and a half after my first Formal Instruction in programming, and i suddenly understand code documentation. part of this is that sometimes i stare at functions forgetting why they're there, or start writing a function with the distinct feeling that i'm typing code i've already typed before, and realize that maybe there's a better way.

so i skimmed code from other people that i've used in my own repos, and lifted the general gist of their commenting style while doing things that feel right to me. i still don't know exactly how i like things, but i'm learning. this is the best way i learn things.

then. then! i learned that i can just pydoc any of my modules and pydoc will generate literally the same thing that i read when i pydoc other module! what. WHAT. this is amazing. i feel like a real person. i understand where those docs come from now, and how to make them myself.

i'm learning so much.

why does this feel so amazing.

all of this is in a commit message that i'm going to fire off into the sun but i just need to put this out there because this feels important.

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
# Changes to be committed:
#    modified:   _ttbp.py
#    modified:   ttbp.py
#    modified:   util.py
#    modified:   ../changelog.txt