28 september 2020
Been about 11 days now since I joined tilde.town, maybe two weeks since
I applied. I think the initial excitement has worn off, it was a
combination of the nostalgia of the technologies and the look and feel,
plus the friendliness I encountered.
It's also real quiet most of the time, at least where I'm looking.
Admittedly there's lots left to explore, but my time is limited. There
are bursts of activity, and those are usually fun. It seems like a lot of
new folk still trying to feel their way around.
I've run out of steam a bit on doing personal projects. It's hard when
the primary time I have to work on them is after 9 pm. I've had to opt
for more sleep lately.
Our daughter is thriving, and that's enough.
23 september 2020
It's been a few days since I last recorded some feels. It's tricky to
remember to update both my main blog and this one.
tilde.town still feels like a magical place. Thanks for letting me be here.
Discovered this picture of myself from 1990:

18 september 2020
Day 2 on tilde.town
I had to wait until after midnight UTC to write this because I didn't
want Day 2 showing up on the same day as Day 1.
tilde.town is super friendly.
I felt anxiety getting started here. I remember getting on IRC in the 90s
and having no qualms just jumping right in. Of course in those days I think
I was mostly on dalnet and people seemed to have no qualms spamming
channels with A/S/L. But I didn't lurk terribly long in #tildetown. It
actually felt pretty natural after not too long to chime in. So thanks
tilde.town. I feel at home already. <3
17 september 2020
It feels weird to blog somewhere other than my regular home.
I can't promise I'll blog here often. I'll see how it feels.
Today is my first day on tilde.town