07 august 2019
My dogs don't get along. It sucks. The only real solution has been to keep one of them kenneled at all times. The small one doesn't like people, he's also got a bit of anxiety. He will bark constantly while in his crate if he knows someone is home. Which really sucks. Because he'll keep going the entire time the other dog is out. Somehow, in his little dog brain, he's figured out that if he barks long enough, someone will eventually come and let him back out. He's the one we leave out of his crate at night, since it's entirely possible he'll continue to bark the entire time. It makes me feel bad for the other dog, she's relatively quite, but extremely active. All this barking, and keeping them separate to prevent dog fights is possible the most stressful thing I go through on a weekly basis. It's impossible to work on any projects when that little anxiety ridden animal has a couple barks literally every three seconds. I love them both, but I wish the small one would shut the fuck up and the big one would stop going after other dogs. fml.