Infrared Explorations

Posted on August 8th, 2023 by Grendel84

More Photography Fun

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I got out to do some shooting recently. I went to my local photography store to pick up some film on the way to the shoot. I almost always shoot ilford HP5+ 400 or 800, but it was bright out so (like a dingdong) I asked for 200. Ilford doesn't make HP5 in 200.

The store clerk was very young and new. She looked at the shelf, then offered me Ilford SFX instead. I'd never tried SFX before, so I figured why not give it a shot. I've always like Ilfords stuff. It wasn't until I got to my car that I realized that it's infrared film! Offering infrared when someone asks for HP5 is like a waiter saying "Is lemonaide okay?" when you ask for coke. They're completely different.

But, rather than go back in and exchange it, I figured I'd give it a try. My city used to be two seperate cities that merged in the late 1800's, so we actually have two downtown areas. I went to the less popular one on the north side. It used to be super run down and unsafe, but the city has revitalized it over the last few years and it's really nice now.

I was using my Kiev 88 (a Soviet Hasselblad clone) which is a 6x6 medium format camera. That means I only had 12 shots on the roll. I had an absolute blast! This downtown area is unusuall in that it has no square, but rather is one long strip down a single street. I walked up and down it so many times I got 5 miles of steps in! The best part is that I got some great shots that I really love. In fact, I've never had this many pictures on a 12 shot roll that I like before! Even if others don't like them, I'm really happy with the vibe they give off.

I was able to get some time in the darkroom to make prints of them. Because it was infrared, and it was late afternoon, the contrast came out very strongly in many of them. Many were denser than I usually like, which is surprising since I was concerned they'd be underexposed, but I think it's because I'm not used to infrared film. Anyway, I really like the high contrast look of them. I tend to like higher contrast pictures, I like strong lines and juxtopositions. But, I'm still going back to my usual HP5 film stock. I'll shoot infrared again someday, but dang is it more expensive than normal film!

I started posting them to the fediverse as part of the "Shitty Camera Challenge" and they've had a really positive response. I know I'm trying to get past relying on external feedback for my validation, but I have to admit it felt pretty dang good to see people expressing that they liked my pictures. For a long time I was trying to take really high quality pictures, super clear, perfectly exposed super high resolution images. I was frustrated that they weren't coming out that way. But people have said they like the lo-fi aestetic, so I guess I'm going to lean into it for a while. I think It's actually caused by my developing processes, since I started out cutting corners to save money and never really broke those habits. If I developed the "right way" they'd probably come out a lot better. Well, maybe better is the wrong word. They would come out more normal.

While I was there, I saw a display in the window of a salon with manaquin heads covered in glitter of different colors. I stopped to take a picture, taking my time, when I realized somone at the door of the shop was waiting to get out. I stopped to let them out, and it turns out it's the employee of the shop that made the manquin heads. She seemed really happy that I was photographing them. I get that, it feels good when people appreciate your art. I've decided to give her a mounted/matted print the next time I'm in that area, which should be tomorrow actually.