
07 november 2021

hey again. today is the 7th. I wonder if I can change the background color of this page? when it loads in html it's pink currently, might switch it to a nice grey, or something greenish to match my index.html.

i had a really nice day today. i went and painted for like, 3 hours, and got a lot of good work done on the painting. then i went with some friends to an asian restaurant and got a Very Spicy bun bo hue bowl, a beef noodle bowl, and it was delicious. i do really like spicy food. i also got sushi! i was only able to do this because of the stimulus check I got friday. spending like a real big shot lately i'm afraid. i deserve it though. it was a wonderful night and the food and company was delightful.

came back and did tarot readings for folks in the dorm i hang out in. one person showed me her runes, and pendulum, and tarot deck, and it was really nice. i love those things. it was great using a pendulum again, and the rune casting i did... was illuminating. and the people i did tarot readings for really liked my readings and thought they were accurate. i even did a love life reading with yugioh cards. got a pretty solid reading out of it actually.

im very tired! should probably just. sleep. maybe add on to this later.

but yeah, today was a nice day, and it seems like it will be overall a nice weekend. i want to find a more secret place to stash writings somehow. hm. maybe i'll figure that out at some point -- i know there's a way to put feels just in my own private folder so i can only read them when i ssh in but i would like to put some hidden thingy in my actual website that people could dig for if they want to find it.

anyway! am sleepy. gonna listen to some night mind, and... vibe, and sleep. bonsoir!