
12 november 2021

today i am three months sober :) (three months sober from weed, that is, which i was dependent on. i have drank with friends a couple of times, but i consider them completely different scenarios) i'm in archaeology class right now. epic professsor made sure to stress that sex was different than gender when talking about bones and sex determination, and that gender is constructed through cultures etc.

my grandparents will be arriving today, a bit stressed about that - i'm not sure what all we're going to do, and i feel like i'll be On Call to be Present this weekend. but i do look forward to seeing them. i have to touch up my painting before it goes on display, dunno when i'll have time for it :/

i am really looking forward to this evening when my grandparents head back to their hotel room and i have my friday night with my friends... aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. fishnets. that is all.