
14 november 2021

well well well. so. here i am. this is a post made by lying in bed gang. also i'm with that person i was talking about right now so post starts with kinda talking to them at the same time?? by typing this??

well obviously things went well, are going well, are actually going better in reality than i could have anticipated

school is STRESSFUL designing an entire research project in a weekend while i have family visiting is A Lot not even counting all the other stuff i will somehow do in the next 48 hours but at least it's only one more week of this shit till a full week of break

things are okay actually. like. i'm still not quite at the threshold of consistently being okay. but things are okay. things are improving. things are nice.

liberating to admit that i'm not consistently okay, and good to feel like i can still be happy even if i'm not okay. something about that comforts me.
