
23 january 2022

its two in the morning and i am very much having emotions that are two in the morning types of emotions. one of which is a headache; i should really be asleep right now.

i have a lot on my mind. i have this odd fascination with big ideas that i feel like i want to explore in depth, that i want to talk about eloquently, that bounce around incessantly in my head. my partner kinda reminds me of those ideas, one of her big things is like, when she's drunk, 90% of what she says is hilarious and goofy and kinda feels randomly generated but like occassionaly she takes some deep lore type of big idea like the transience of life and of making memories with people and how we have to drink everything in as it happens because nothing is permanent and then after dropping that absolute wisdom she just moves on to more silly happy fun and it's just. im in awe every time honestly.

but it's late and i don't think i can do much big thinky braining right now. i'm feeling okay. the semester is starting, and 2022 is an interesting year to be alive, and I'm feeling okay. happy, even. i have a lot to look forward to.