
01 march 2017

idgaf about toxic masculinity

& personally speaking i'm super tired of seeing it at the gym

dudes will beef over nothing: cars, tv shows, food. it's like watching birds peck at one another over the slice of bread people toss to them in the park (don't do this tho, it's bad for the birds)

u know wat i also gaf abt?

like toxic white supremacy that takes on humor as a way to rehash old racist notions in the style of old-fashioned insult comedy

ppl i don't like in this vein:

1) joe rogan (don't get me started on how much of an idiot i think he is) 2) doug stanhope 3) george carlin - the holy grail of white male comedians who love to be racist and claim it's being apolitically correct 4) bill maher

breaking a rule of ~ civics, which is to not add hate to feels, but i am bugged the fuck out of guys like these. it conjures up alot of nasty feels about masculinity and hetero stuff that i can't get my mind around.

also: why do people drink beer? like, what is the point of drinking something sour tasting? it's like drinking a bottle of sprite someone has pissed into imho