
23 september 2023

Brain Dump Prompts for October 2023

  1. What are your biggest goals for the month? Finish a zine, go on trips, touch grass, remain organized managing the house, try not to be too depressed.

  2. Can you think of a stressful task in your life that you’re avoiding? Driving myself more? I'm not sure if its something I should do or not, due to personal issues.

  3. What will truly make you happy? Some nice weekend trips. Going to the Asian market. Going to the farmers market. Going to the petting zoo. Maybe a zine fest?

  4. Is there someone you need to get back to? I just did. Someone sent me a message in instagram in April, oops! That said I haven't been using instagram that much, so 🤷‍♂️

  5. Where do you want to go on your next vacation? The beach but this will probably be 2024.

  6. How are you generally feeling at the moment? Actually ok. Its Friday, my head is hurting less than it has been most of the month.

  7. Are you devoting enough time for self care? Maybe? I'm trying to think of self care things I need to do? I guess I could do more physical activity. Its been going down since summer ended and I stopped going to the beach.

  8. Where do you want to be a year from now? I want to be more involved in zine culture. I want to be closer to paying off the house. I want to be riding a bike regularly.

  9. Do you have any regrets? If so, how can you move forward? I don't know. I wish I had made more zines but I spent a lot of time at the beach so I don't 100% regret it. I guess a better balance.

  10. What hobbies are you most interested in and why? I like to swim and make zines. I want to get into cycling, so hoping this month to test an adult trike. I can't ride a regular bicycle.

  11. Do you have any work projects you want to start? No.

  12. Did you go through a recent life change? How did it affect you? I can feel fall. My headaches get worse. I love the cool temperatures and fall folliage but I dislike my body hurting.

  13. When was the last time you cleared your inbox? Never. Honestly thinking about moving everything to protonmail.

  14. Are there any projects you need to get done at home? Sooo many. I finally got Remember the Milk and input the most pressing ones there. They are slowly getting done.

  15. What do you need to let go of? Ideas of productivity without flexibility.

  16. How can you best organize your upcoming appointments? I use a calendar app on my phone.

  17. What does your daily routine look like? Do you need to tweak anything? I'm not even sure what to tweak. I get ready for work, work, eat, bathroom breaks, then after I do something fun if I can or sleep. I would like to be able to go out and do more things after work, but we'll see.

  18. Have you congratulated yourself for achievements lately? I celebrate the small things most daily. But I don't take a larger look. Maybe I should.

  19. Do you need to start planning a bigger event, like a wedding or housewarming party? Not really. The closest are trips I want to go on.

  20. Are you spending enough time offline? How can you can create more of a balance? Honestly I am spending more time to get podcasts, watch short film, connect with the zine and

Prompts from Nunzia Dreams - https://nunziadreams.com/clear-your-mind-brain-dump/