Status on 2021/02/03, 09:36
After searching so long for a solution as to how can I pipe content in and out of the tmux buffer, I finally found a sane, simple answer. And what's best, it is built-in inside the tmux functions.
Simply put, I wanted a way to load the "clipboard" of tmux by piping output into it, much like you can do with xclip or xsel like command | xsel -ib
and then that output would be available for you to paste with standard Ctrl+V. And yes, you can do it using only the tmux buffer too:
command | tmux loadb -
Now you can paste the output of command
into any tmux pane with the Prefix Seqquence + ]
combination. Now, why would I want to do that? For cases where I'm ssh'ing into a server with its own tmux session and need to pass data along different panes, or when I'm down to just bare Linux console.
Pretty neat trick!