Status on 2021/02/13, 10:47
It's getting clearer to me now that the ZIM format is the future of information storage. Spearheaded by the Kiwix Project originally as a way to read Wikipedia offline, its reaches are now far beyond the original scope, and virtually any content (text or not) can become compressed and quickly-searchable knowledge.
Just have a look at the collections listed by the Kiwix wiki to see how much information is out there, ready to be read in an offline manner without the need for a connection. There are ZIM files for Stack Exchange QA sites, and even TED talks (!).
Other great resources listing ZIM files can be found here:
Not to mention that you too can create your own ZIM file from basically anything, which makes me crave making a ZIM out of all my ebooks right now.
Do you use ZIM? What program do you use to read it?