Klaus on Tilde Town

Giving Alpine a try on the Raspberry Pi

After trying Alpine Linux on a virtual machine and pretty much falling in love with it, I decided to step my game up and try it on some bare metal, and installed it on my Raspberry Pi model B from 2012. After all, at a single core and 512 MB, it seems to be the right match for it.

I couldn't be more right. Snappy, light and versatile, this distribution is amazing for the resource-slim platform and it seems to run even more smoothly than FreeBSD on it. And the package management is blazing-fast.

There's only one small tricky bit, though: the installation itself. Unlike other Raspberry Pi-oriented distros, where you pretty much burn the boot-ready contents to the SD card, you must pretty much do everything from scratch with Alpine. It's not exactly "hard," just a little more work compared to the others. The steps are greatly detailed on their Wiki, and are roughly as follows:

And with that, you can insert the SD card on the Pi and then you'll be ready to setup-alpine and do an installation on it normally. Just don't forget to lbu commit at the end of it and you'll be ready to rock after reboot!