Klaus on Tilde Town

Round for #AskFedi: recommendations on static website hosting

Leveraging #AskFedi for an answer: I'm looking for recommendations on hosting for a static website that fulfills as much as possible of the following:

  1. Allows me to mass rsync or otherwise copy content from my computer without having to use their (yikes!) "editor" or file-by-file upload. Something like what you get in the Tildeverse would be perfect. Perhaps shell access is what I'm looking for here?
  2. Free tier available (not exactly employed right now). Bandwidth or space limitations in the free tier are OK, ad injections over the pages are not.
  3. Can host a domain name in such free tier. This might be a stretch, though.
  4. As far away as possible from Big Tech (Github pages, AWS, Oracle, Digital Ocean, etc)

What I've considered already:

And there it is, my question to the Fediverse. I'm literally open to any suggestion considering the above. What's your take? Let me know in Mastodon!