
29 december 2017

This is a public service announcement for feels

If feels complains about your config every time you start it, it's because you don't have a gopher folder in your home directory and don't have the corresponding entry in ttbprc. I had this problem too, but I solved it by following the steps below (~endorphant might fix it when he/she has the time):

  1. Enter cd ~/.ttbp/config. This will take you to the feels config folder.

  2. Enter nano ttbprc. This will open ttbprc, your feels config file. This file is in the JSON format.

  3. According to your preference, add the key-attribute pair "gopher": true or "gopher": false in the file. Follow the pattern of the file if you don't know about JSON. JSON is designed to be understood on the first try.

  4. If you've set gopher to true, then enter mkdir ~/public_gopher. This creates a folder called public_gopher in your home directory.

  5. Start feels and see if there are any complaints about the config file. If things are not working as expected, then type mkdir ~/.ttbp/gopher. This creaes a folder called gopher in your .ttbp subdirectory.

Things should start working normally. If there are still problems, just send endorphant@tilde.town an email. I, too, am willing to field questions. You can send emails to login@tilde.town to reach me.

And as always, have fun at tilde.town!