
24 may 2019

it's been a while...

things are different now. than they were earlier. better in some ways, worse in others. i'm just glad that classes are over until the fall and i just get to enjoy this place a little bit before the students rush in again next semester. i'm working at two breweries now, instead of just the one farm brewery i've been working at for a year. the new one is so big and... corporate. they've got good beer, but i like the feel of RS so much better. feels more like home to me. plus everything is still confusing as they work out kinks and things, and i've never been good in those kind of work environments. i just need to be told what to do so that i can just do that thing and not be bothered.

i think i might start writing in here again. at least, more than i am now, which is basically none. i'm working on a project that i'm really excited about, and i'll probably make a post about that.