
Don't expect well written entries. I use this as a "personal diary", it simply happens to be public.

25 may 2024

On 17th-18th-19th of May some friends and I went to BDR's beach house, went all the way to Spotorno, Liguria. Her house was real nice and cozy, we really enjoyed ourselves just chilling at the house/beach. I'm not going to list everything we've done on the trip like I usually do but I think we've bonded a lot (more than usual at least) over the trip. Hopefully we'll be able to do something of the like again during the summer holidays after the exam session.

Yesterday we went over to BDR's house to study all day. In the evening after dinner my aero-space friend and I gave her an early birthday gift. Aero-boy most likely will be gone by the beginning of the exam session, and since BDR's birthday is in the middle of June he wouldn't have had the chance to give it, so we decided to go for an early gift. We bought her a really cute white sundress.

white dress

She's a slim, short, blonde (well, dye'd) girl so the dress really fit her (though I suppose stuff in white or black looks good on anyone), as she went to try it on, when she spun she was fairly-like kinda looked like Kaori from Your lie in April.