
09 june 2021

God, we're tired. Didn't get nearly enough sleep last night thanks to insomnia and anxiety, but hey, maybe we'll sleep better tonight because of it. We really need to fix our wacko sleep schedule. At this rate, we'll be sleeping in another time zone! Trying to set up apache on our raspberry pi. Getting it to work on the pi isn't too hard. Making it so other local computers can see the site is proving difficult and while the documentation is great, we don't know enough to parse all of it yet. Guess we need to read up on web servers! On the side of getting things done, we did move the root filesystem onto a USB instead of the SD to avoid the pain of SD failure down the line. Was surprisingly easy to do it. Format the USB, use rsync to copy it over, and edit the fstab and kernel parameters to point the pi at the USB via PARTUUID. Done. We were expecting more of a problem, to be honest, but everything went smoothly. Ideally, we'll move it again onto an external drive in the future, but for now a USB is going to be better than a SD card for reliability. We really don't want a failed SD to lose everything after a few writes. The only writes it should need to do now will be kernel updates, and it should be much easier to recover from any failure given that all of the non-boot-related data is on the USB.

Writing a song a week is going well. It's week three and we're just about done with this week's song- just need to listen to it without headphones and tweak the sound balance so it doesn't sound like crap on a speaker. Honestly feel like this is already improving how we write music- guess we were out of practice from not writing so often. We used to make songs constantly but it petered out to once every month or two over the years. We really need to work on a painting for class but we're procrastinating because it's going to be tedious and finicky work at this point. We need to rework the lighting on a large chunk of the painting and detail some moss without overdoing either, and all while color matching a photograph as best we can. Doing well at that so far, but the lighting is going to be tricky since the foreground is backlit. It'll look amazing if we can get it right though. Also need to work on the tilde.town site again and keep prettying up the CSS. We have ideas now.