27 june 2021
Sometimes we think about the importance of being openly weird. Aside from being both rewarding and punishing (some people are far too cruel), it matters because it shows others that being different is okay, and shows people with the same differences that there's nothing wrong with who they are. It shows people that they're not alone, and that being who they are isn't a bad thing. It's also interesting that the same differences that people mock become what people respect most once you get over a certain threshold of being authentic. For whatever reason, the weirder you are, the less people make fun of it (but the harsher that lesser harassment becomes).
Back to your usual feels content- got some work done on the notes utility. Decided to just get user management done before working on the actual note creation and management. That's going well; currently working on deleting users, which is only proving tricky because we need to move all the notes to a different directory before deleting the user, and we haven't done that with Python before. Does the os module take regex as arguments? Probably some way to do that. It's that and/or a for loop. Probably doing this wrong but we'll figure out the right way eventually.
Spending time with grandparents today. It's godawful hot outside, so hopefully their air conditioning is working. We're going to suffer if not! We're supposed to get above 100 F this week, 118 F on Tuesday. We hate the heat, so this isn't going to be pleasant.