12 july 2021
Had a pretty good day! Managed to get to bed early for once and that helps a lot with mood, though we also woke up earlier and struggled getting back to sleep. Oh well, still more hours than we've been getting. I'll take it. :P
Haven't done much today. Worked on our site, made some tweaks (the non-tilde site, to be clear, though it is linked to on our tilde site) for clarity and added to the FAQ a bit. That's just about it. Planning to take it easy and play some games for the rest of today after we finish helping a friend troubleshoot problems on a Mac. It's a weird issue- winebottler mucked up an application and now the computer has symptoms of not enough free RAM or CPU, but the system monitor shows that neither should be a problem. They can't delete the application because it's "running," but nothing shows up on-screen and the system monitor doesn't even show the process. Cloudd is also using way more CPU than it should be, which is odd. A restart successfully deleted the offending application but the computer is still slower than it normally is, and the cloudd process is normal now. Maybe it's I/O issues? Unsure, getting more information and trying to figure this out with them. What they're describing sounds like a CPU issue, really, but there's plenty free, so it's strange. Aaand they just told us it's back to normal a few minutes after restart. Well, at least it works now! Hopefully that's the end of it. Funny how often a hard restart works.
Also need to work on this week's song tonight. It's coming along very nicely, should have no problem making it polished. Just have to come up with a way to end the song is all. Endings and beginnings are always the hardest part!
Tomorrow, we need to set up a Windows virtual machine for compsci in the fall- they'll probably want some Windows-specific things at some point, so might as well get it set up. Really not fond of Windows, but we'll use it in a VM if we have to. It's just really heavy and frustrating compared to Linux. Does it really need to use half the RAM just to idle? What's it even doing with all that? Maybe we should muck around in the VM and see what we can learn by digging into it. Never considered ourselves a Windows "poweruser" but hey, we can probably pick things up with what we know now. Still glad it's only in a VM though. Good for those that use it and like it- all the more power to you, use the tool for the job that you like most as long as it works- but it's really not for us. Restrictive and the telemetry creeps us out considerably (looking at you, advertising ID).
Wonder if we could run 11 in the VM? The hardware is definitely "too old" for the minimum specs, but who knows? Could work. Curious about whether that would work or not now. What does an OS detect as far as hardware goes when in a VM?