17 july 2021
Switched to Sway on Wayland today because it seems like a major disruptive bug could be Xorg-related, and we keep meaning to switch for the possible security improvements anyway. Definitely more tweaking to do- the brightness keys don't work yet, for example- but the basics are there and most things are running smoothly. Currently fighting with Waybar to get it to display free storage space since that's nice to monitor on a smaller SSD. That, and fixing the brightness keys. Using brightnessctl like everyone recommends and it does nothing, which is odd because it works in terminal and they keys definitely still work. Something isn't right in the middle. I'm just glad that we can carry over our keybinds. We have a certain way that we like them, and they were hard enough to get right the first time! Reminds me, we need to update our backups with all the new .config files so we don't have to go fixing colorschemes and CSS snippets again.
If anyone has any Sway/Wayland tips or things they really like to have set up, feel free to send an email and ramble about it or share configs! Part of how we do our own setups is looking at what we like from other people and using bits and pieces from others on top of adding touches of our own, and even if it's something we'll never implement, it's cool to hear about how people use their computers. There's a LOT of variety!
Honestly, feel free to send an email any time. We like talking to folks and it's more comfortable than IRC half the time since there's no rush and we can really think about it. Folks here have all been incredibly nice so far (yes, you! you know who you are) and it feels fairly safe here in town. People have been supportive and creative and just all-around wonderful.
Doing meh mentally. Kind of sad, not much anxiety luckily, just really tired and a bit blue. Going to keep trying to pull out of it and look for the bright sides of life. Play with the dog, make something silly, pop outside for five minutes and enjoy coming back into the air conditioning. Probably going to call friends and talk, since company helps our mood as long as we have the energy and are with the right people.
Helped a friend discover How It's Made yesterday. I'm surprised not everyone has heard of it! One of our favorite shows because we get to see what goes into common objects and how they work. It's fascinating, though I'm sure some people find it boring.
Oh, almost forgot to mention. No idea how it happened, but we must have done something to our thigh two days ago because yesterday and today it's been in godawful pain when we move in certain ways. Totally fine otherwise, but bending it upwards hurts. Less painful today, hopefully gone tomorrow. It's just weird because we didn't do anything to cause it afaik.
Note to self: go through package list and clean out ones we don't use much or at all. We're due for a cleaning session.