19 july 2021
Had to do a little more Wayland-related setup because our screen wasn't locking on idle- yeeeeah, turns out we forgot to install swayidle. Whoops. It works now. Don't you love it when your tech problems are that simple to solve but really easy to forget to check for? Problem lies between computer and chair.
Pretty sure we're fixating on Dwarf Fortress. Hey, at least there's a chance we won't accidentally murder the whole fort this time. Last time, we almost managed to keep the dwarves alive until a hostile animal tried to get in via the river. Good news, the animal didn't last very long. Bad news, the dwarves engaged it while in the river. Good news, they didn't drown. REALLY bad news, their blood contaminated the whole river and didn't wash out, and there weren't any alcohol stores. Everyone drank contaminated water and things didn't last long from there despite attempts to salvage it. Fun was had. DF is very much a game of trial and error- mostly error, but some great stories come out of every failure.
Computer backup went fine until a screenshot somehow borked the drive. Ran ntfsfix on it and it's fine, no data lost. The screenshot has been deleted now just to be safe. This is why you have multiple backups, folks! We have a spare somewhere else just in case we urgently need our files if our main backup fails, and we're working on an automated backup system to a raspi server for security against "whoops, forgot to back that up."
Doing a bit better now. Some light exercise and a shower does wonders sometimes for mood, you know? That and distraction. The nightmare from last night is still unpleasant, but it's just memory now (even if it starts hanging over us a bit when we think about it- oh well, so be it). And we have a very sweet dog we can love on. She'd been systemically carrying all of her toys outside and leaving them there, which is hilarious.
Update: Turns out Waybar has scripts for the things we wanted to do already. Check your manpages, folks! Kudos to the Waybar dev(s), the documentation is pretty good. Commas will be the death of us though. :P