
31 july 2021

The godawful heat is coming back- we're still well over 100 F and it's only getting hotter, and there's smoke starting to come in from nearby fires that'll just hold in all the heat until it passes. I'm fully expecting that we'll be sweating all week, but we'll live. Not our first time in the heat, and we know how to not die of heatstroke.

Not much is probably getting done in this heat- if we're up to it, we'll work on the notes utility some more, but odds are we'll noodle around and do easy things until it's less hot. Our poor air conditioner can't keep up. Today's also one of those days where thoughts just slide our of our head, so getting things done is harder. It's probably because we had a good, productive conversation with friends last night about trust and for whatever reason our brain doesn't want me to remember the details. They just slide away when I try. Means something sensitive was touched on, usually. I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later, read over the chat logs and try to hang onto it without flipping out. It's worth it most of the time.