
14 august 2021

The first version of our terminal notes utility for plural folks is out! Everything is up and running- no encryption at the moment, but everything else is working. https://github.com/candlebrae/pluralnotes

I'll be the first to admit it's not the cleanest code and we're probably going to clean it up at some point, but it works and that's the most important thing. Functional code! We'll give it a bit so folks can find bugs we missed (someone already found one related to parentheses in note names that we just fixed) before uploading the files to the town; would rather not have to update to add fixes in two different places. Yes, we could just scp the fixed ones in, but laziness :P

Currently struggling to freeze it all into one executable for even easier usage. PyInstaller throws errors galore and altogether fails to make anything or makes an executable that fails with the error that we're trying to execute a directory(???), and Nuitka produces an executable that fails silently and isn't even detected on the command line. I'm thinking it may have to do with improper project directory structuring, but we'll see. Also planning to get this on the AUR and figure out how that works.

Doing pretty well- this has kept us very busy and thinking for the last few days since we fixated on it and have been doing nothing else with our free time, which means we're fairly happy. As long as we keep busy, we tend to be alright. It's downtime that freakouts tend to happen because I guess our brain says, "oh, we have time now, let's process everything and suffer while we have the time!" So we keep busy and things are okay. No worries, we do make time to sit with things and have the inevitable freakout session. Bottling it up forever isn't healthy.

Starting on a doll repaint for a friend- something soft and delicate is the goal, should be fun. Eye makeup is the hardest part for me. Lips used to be, but once you figure out how to layer the blushing it's not too bad (though the teeth are still tricky). Eyebrows are also tricky, but we're getting the hang of that. Eyes, though? Getting them to look clean is hard, and they have to be clean. Messy eyes can wreck the whole face since it's what people see first, especially on a stylized doll with eyes that take up half the face, and you have to find ways to hide mistakes and brushstrokes. Thin, watered- down layers of paint, and chalk pastels, are the way to go. Takes ages to get a solid coat for the scleras though, and keeping clean edges on a rounded surface with watered-down paint is really hard.