
15 february 2022

What is this microblog? I guess a place to write down any thought or idea I have. Things that are not necessarily important or interesting, just thoughts I need to get out of the way. I like the idea of taking notes as a dumping raw thoughts into a directory of somewhat structured files, just to record it somewhere. For future reference? Maybe. Probabl not. Just to relieve me of the burden of keeping it in my mind. Good ideas will return anyway.

Read an article about this on hackernews. Also, I think Stephen King said something similar to "Notesbook are a great way of immortalizing bad ideas". He then elaborated, saying that ideas are like breadcrumbs in a strainer. The small ideas quickly filter out, but the good ideas -- the big crumbs -- they stay.

Regardless, keeping notes is a good idea. I can look up old notes if I ever need to, and even if I don't, I have cleared space for the big crumbs.