
17 february 2022

I had a nightmare in which I suffered from psychotic episodes, very short and very sudden. My field of vision would warp, I'd get dizzy, and suddenly I was inside a fugue state in which I did not know what I was doing. In the dream, this happened and passed multiple times. I don't remember many details.

I woke up with a jolt, sort of punching the air in front of me and simultaneously sitting up. When I first woke up, I remembered nothing about the dream except that I was in a nightmare of sorts. I just felt like everything flickered, that everything was distorted. Left bed for a couple of minutes, and the feeling slowly faded, while I remember more and more from the dream.

I rarely have nightmares. Always equally strange when it happens. Usually, I can shake it off and go back to sleep. I did tonight. Not going to try to interpret the dream. Just wanted to write it down.

Perhaps related to this, perhaps unrelated -- I've been feeling tired the last few weeks. I often, especially when I'm at the office, get this slump right after lunch. Coffee does not help. Sometimes it feels like it's making me more tired.

Then, towards the evening, like, this exact time (19:45) I feel fully energized. This energy will remain a couple of hours, then disappear.

I remember being more stable.