
02 march 2022

No fever today. Probably was the vaccine. Too bad, was looking forward to another day away from work.

Getting drunk on a wednesday night with a dear friend. I truly love him. He put some stale coffee in the wine, just for a laugh. We spoke about love and sex and identity in a strange but sort of effortless way. Our conversations sort of get veiled in irony, but the "irony" is old and implied, it's not really there, it's just how we speak. It feels nice. We spoke about the future, quitting our jobs, about the summer, and well, I'm inspired by him, although he is reckless. He bought some leathery BDSM-like outfits at a second hand shop, and plans to wear them to the summer, at and away from work. That not necessarily the most reckless thing -- just generally. But I like that recklessness, I wish I could do what he does. Maybe I can, but maybe I do not want to. Love having him in my life.

We spoke about, very loosely, to start a collective together. Some point in the future. Many maybies.

I'm drunk and I need sleep. Work tomorrow, unless I pretend to be sick.